
Has bobbinating your embroidery floss always been a pain? Do your strands get tangled? Does bobbinating (the act of winding your embroidery floss on a bobbin) take f o r e v e r to do?

We have felt your pain. And unknotted so many knots. (And so many more knots have not been unknotted*.) We’ve looked at solutions, made some prototypes, made more prototypes, and have finally settled on a 3D printed solution! Nerdfelt (Katie) has partnered with Karadactyl Designs (Kara) to bring you the first (that we know of) floss swift & floss winder set to the embroidery world!

The Swift

Just like a yarn swift, this floss swift holds your skein of floss while you wind it onto your bobbin. It is the perfect circumference for standard skein sizes. As you pull the floss to the bobbin, the swift will spin and prevent your floss from tangling.


As this is a prototype, the final product may look slightly different and colors will vary.

The Winder

The traditional floss winders require you to turn a handle as you go. While this certainly works, it can take a long time if you have a lot of floss to bobbinate! Many people have found a solution by taking these winders apart and attaching it to their electric drills. (We’ve done the same.) While this works, it also requires a drill chuck to latch onto the winder attachment. We have eliminated the need for a chuck by emulating a hex drill bit. The winder can also accommodate many different plastic bobbin sizes!

As this is a prototype, the final product may look slightly different and colors will vary.

The Bobbinator Bundle

With the bundle, you can get both the swift and the winder at a discount!

As this is a prototype, the final product may look slightly different and colors will vary.
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As these items are made of plastic and metal, we are also proud to say that 100% of our packaging materials will be made from recyclable paper/cardboard.

Kara and Katie

We are currently finishing our beta test phase. Once we have completed this phase, we will be opening this up for preorders to all of you! In the meantime, you can sign up to get an alert when the preorder is live! You will all have a chance to purchase before this is available to everyone on the main page of our website.

Please keep this a secret! If you want to talk about it, feel free to write in the comments below! 

We hope you enjoy this as much as we do!

–Katie (nerdfelt) and Kara (karadactyl)

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*the testing was not all for nought!

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